Monday 1 December 2008

Strictly Stupid

Over the last few weeks there have been so many big, bold and shocking stories blasted into our face. There were the big bad pirates of Somali who celebrated the biggest hijacking in history with a 14 day (and counting) party aboard the Sirius Star, or there was the leaked BNP membership list, that wonderful little violation of the data protection act which caused twitching curtains all across the country. And of course, how could we have a week without being reminded by the media that our country’s economy is down the crapper and as a result we’re all going to have a disastrous Christmas/life/future.

But there has been one particularly significant story to have risen up from the last few weeks, one that has completely captured the public’s attention, been commented on by so many esteemed journalists, discussed amongst MPs and been blasted over every conceivable media outlet available. Forget the Mumbai terrorists attacks, all anybody really wants to talk about is…John Sergeant.

According to the newspapers, televised and online news bulletins and just about every single discussion show around, John Sergeant’s two left feet and his subsequent removal from Strictly Come Dancing is the most important story in the world right now.

If like me you’re not a fan of the show, but you fancy a laugh and want to see what all the fuss is about then check out John's Cha Cha

Sure, Sergeant’s dancing never fails to put a smile on my face but really the controversy surrounding John should have only been front page news on the Strictly website.

I remember the shock of going into my local newsagents and seeing John’s smug little face staring back at me from the newspaper rack with headlines such as “Why John Sergeant should win”, “John shunned by fellow strictly competitors” and “Judge urges the public to vote out dismal Sergeant”. I expected this kind of thing from the tabloids but Sergeant had managed to conquer every front page on every newspaper there. Bear in mind this was in the same week as the atrocious “Baby P” case and surely nobody in their right mind could argue that the outcome of a Saturday evening light entertainment show was more important that that, could they?
And never mind all of those journalists and public figures trying to contort Sergeant’s appearance on the show into a much bigger argument, such as how the public’s favourite contestant, and obvious eventual winner, was bullied out of the show by the higher powers who didn’t like that idea, somehow relates to the real world problem of democracy and dictatorship. That’s all nonsense.

The only real story here is about a man who can’t dance trouncing the competition on a dancing show. That doesn’t really sound like front page news to me.
Photograph Courtesy of

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