Friday 19 December 2008

I Feel Like Hating on Christmas Films...'Tis the Season

Only 6 days til Christmas folks! Yep, that's all. Funny how it sneaks up you isn't it. But alas, I'm not really feeling all that Christmassy at the moment. I wish I was, I really do, but I've got too much other stuff to worry about, like work and buying presents before it's too late. So when I wandered onto Merry Christmas On The Net and spied their cheery graphics and their list of 3 Christmas Movies Everyone Loves, It's A Wonderful Life, The Grinch and A Christmas Carol, for some reason I'm not quite sure of, I felt determined to ruin their good time. So in response, I'm going to point out the reasons NOT to love these movies. Bah Humbug! 

I feel kind of bad about ripping into such a classic and beloved tale. I mean, it's Dickens!! But still, I'll give it a shot. First of all, it's been done too many times. Way too many. Oh yeah, there's the Ghost of Christmas Past, Tiny Tim, yeah, yeah, bla bla...whatever! We've all been forced to star in/sit through far too many school plays, why do we want to see a film of it as well. And second of's not really that good a story is it? Yes it's Dickens, but it's rubbish Dickens. Really, there are so many other great books that need to be adapted and tons of brilliant screenplays out there to be made. Why do they keep making films out of a story from the Victorian age with ghosts and a smart businessman who gets guilt tripped out of his hard earned money? 

I hate Jim Carrey. He's not that funny. His "wackiness" just annoys me. That alone is enough reason to give this movie a miss, but quite a few people do actually like Jimmy so I guess I'll have to say some more stuff. 
The main reason you should avoid The Grinch is because it is extremely boring. I'm not talking about the original Dr Seuss book here, because that's brilliant. But it's also short. The movie tried to turn the book's 32 pages into a full length film and in doing so failed spectacularly. As a result, the film feels stretched and drags along desperately. The kids will be bored senseless and of course the adults weren't even interested in the first place! 

Is it? Is it really? Some people may consider this film a classic, but I just consider it old and cheesy. I mean just look at that DVD cover up there, all smiles and the like. The whole plot of the film, an angel coming down to tell a suicidal man just how much rubbish things would have been if he had never existed, is ridiculous. In Wonderful Life, James Stewart sees that had he not been born, his neighborhood would become a slum, his girlfriend would be a spinster, his uncle would go nuts and his younger brother would have died. That's all well and good, but let's be truthful here...nobody really has that big an impact on the world. Sure we'd be missed by our friends and family, but would everything really go so crazy and weird if we were not around. Why this is seen as an inspirational movie? If anything it just makes you more depressed when you realise that, unlike Life's protagonist, in reality you meant nothing to the world...Merry Christmas!

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