Tuesday 16 December 2008

Reviewing ALL of my DVDs

That picture above is every film that I have on DVD up here in Old Harrow town. Alas, most of my collection had to stay at home when I came to Uni due to space issues, and some more of them mysteriously disappeared without a trace. So there they all are...and I'm going to review them all in just a few words:

Top Row, Left-Right:

Spiderman 3: I actually liked it, even though everyone ripped it to shreds. Too many bad guys though. And what's with all the singing and dancing?
Airplane: The oldies are the best. Cheap gags, yes but they come so thick and fast that I don't really care. One of the funniest films ever. Don't call me Shirley.
Dodgeball: Average. There's only so many "ball" gags you can fit into one film.
Anchorman: "You're a smelly pirate hooker!" and other fabulous quotes make this one of the best and most talked about comedies around.
Cloverfield: I was on Facebook the whole way through this movie so I can't remember much. But I remember that I liked the amateur cameraman style though.
The Dark Knight: I think we've covered that one enough. Love it.
Sin City: Dark and horrible, my kind of film. Good for when you're feeling depressed. Or when you want to see Jessica Alba as a cowboy stripper.
City Of God: One of my favourite films. The whole thing looks so stylish and fantastic the whole way through. Bit too heavy to handle sometimes though.
Borat: I laugh the whole way through this film every single time, without fail. Brilliant.
Zoolander: Great parody of the fashion industry and it always makes me feel a little bit smarter afterwards.

Bottom Row, Left-Right:

The Bourne Ultimatum: The best of the trilogy. Hard and gritty, but elegant at the same time. Bond looks rubbish now.
Meet The Fockers: Light on the smut, but heavy on the cheese. It's alright.
Kill Bill: Vol 1: Beautiful violence and the dictionary definition of rewatchable. But two is better.
Kill Bill: Vol 2: A better story makes this better than number one. Controversial eh...
Napoleon Dynamite: Randomly fun and slightly tragic, but it doesn't stand up well to repeat viewings.
The 40 Year Old Virgin: I must have been the last person in the world to have seen this film. It's only OK.
Superbad: Unfortunately, I can relate to the protagonists of this film. That, and of course, the legendary McLovin, really make this film.
Juno: This film has a really great script (an academy award winning script, in fact) and although it's not laugh out loud funny, the kooky lead character makes it worth a watch.
Knocked Up: Sweet and funny in equal measures with likeable leads. The real life humour puts it a cut above most of the other comedies about.

So there it is, my DVDs all nicely summed up. Done.

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